You can have a big impact on your health, your community, and the planet, through tiny, informed choices.

One Bite is Everything presents you with new ways of thinking about life's critical issues.

Get ready to take one bite at a time out of some pretty important issues. Ones that really matter. To you.

Your health and the health of those you love.

The environment and how we care for it from the soil to the atmosphere.

Your community. The one you live in, the ones you visit, and how connected each one is to the other.

And, of course, our local, regional, national, and global economies.

It's a tall order. But it's one we are going to tackle. One bite at a time. That bite can be an idea. But it is also your food, fuel, fiber, and flowers.  You will see. I hope you're hungry.

This is the podcast formerly known as Talk Farm to Me (2019 to 2024). It launched on April 18, 2024. 

Tune in every Thursday for a new episode. Subscribe so you don't miss a thing. Write a review so others can find it too. xo